Immobilienkaufleute – Real estate agents

Immobilienkaufleute – Title Immobilienkaufleute – Cover volume 1 Immobilienkaufleute – Back cover Immobilienkaufleute – Front and back cover volume 2 Immobilienkaufleute – Cover spine Immobilienkaufleute – Cover volume 3

Textbook for future real estate agents

We developed the cover design for the textbook series "Immobilienkaufleute" for the "Vocational Education" division of Cornelsen. The series includes 3 printed textbooks as well as extensive digital material. The covers of the textbooks of volume 1–3 are shown here.

Cover 19 x 26 cm


Design of schoolbooks

W plus V
In der Zahnarztpraxis
Punto de Vista
Mathe FHR
Geschichte Gesellschaft konkret
Social Pulse
Denk(t)räume wagen
Do it!
Die junge DaF-Bibliothek
Die DaF-Bibliothek
Schwerpunktthema Abitur Englisch
Trainingskurs Mathematik
Kunst entdecken
Kunst entdecken Oberstufe
Das antike Rom
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Forum Latein
Res Romanae compact