Mathematik Fachhochschulreife

Mathe FHR – Cover and spine Mathe FHR – Cover Mathe FHR – Running title Mathe FHR – Chapter entry Mathe FHR – Merke! Alles klar! Mathe FHR – Inner pages with basics and exercises Mathe FHR – Competence box Mathe FHR – Inner pages with tasks and competencies Mathe FHR – Logo logo back cover

Mathematics for vocational education

For the new edition of the textbook series “Mathematik Fachhochschulreife”, a textbook for the technical college entrance qualification, we have redesigned the product brand, the covers and the interior layout. The first of a total of 6 volumes can be seen here.

Product brand development, design and implementation of the cover series, development of the inside page concept including template creation.

19 x 26 cm, 6 volumes
since 2021


Design of schoolbooks

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Die junge DaF-Bibliothek
Die DaF-Bibliothek
Schwerpunktthema Abitur Englisch
Trainingskurs Mathematik
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